Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nicki Minaj Twerking In The Pool!

Nicki Minaj Twerking In The Pool!

Lady Gaga , in the MTV`s show (Lady Gaga edhe festivalin e cmimeve MTV del me të brendshme) ... Photo

Kjo ishte veshja , nëse mund ta quajmëveshje , e Lady Gaga-s ne ndarjen e cmimeve për këngën më të mirë të vitit!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Albanian girls in the night pubs (Vajzat shqiptare në klubet e natës) .. Video

Për më shumë shikoni videon më poshtë :

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bar Rafaeli pozon me të brendshme tunduese

Modelja Bar Rafaeli ka pozuar për fushatën e Passionata ku shfaqet në poza provokuese me të brendshme


Kim Kardashian Hot Photos

Kim Kardashian Hot Photos:

What part of the female body "switches on" men?

By comparing data on body parts that attract the most attention from men, experts agreed on one thing - the money that attracts them is undoubtedly the stomach. About 33 percent of men have argued stomach as the most favorite ..
As part of the second most popular are round shaped behinds, where this part of the female body are determined 25 percent of men.
Men loves womens beautiful back, especially when members of the sex and the beautiful walk to cure it that. The woman is back graciousse and arouse many men desire to protect women.
Woman's neck is much thinner and more delicate than the male's neck, so members of the stronger sex draws precisely its fragility and delicacy.
Men love beautiful and delicate hands of women, because they asocojnë touching and sex.
Just as the neck, shoulders and women are a symbol of femininity and softness. When are fragile and sensitive to arouse men desire to protect and support partner. Especially the "sparks" when they are naked before them.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lindsay Lohan , shows more than... +18 (Photo)

New American actress Lindsay Lohan will play a key role in the girl's erotic thriller "The canyons". After these days it has emerged from rehabilitation centers, the American press writes that the actress looks more beautiful than ever. In the new movie Lindsay appears naked in several scenes, which "will be paradise for the eyes of men", reports noa.al. ! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Shqiponja 2 Krenare , Ne Klipin e reperit te njohur boteror TYGA ?

Kenga e TYGA eshte me poshte , Shqiponja 2 Krenare shfaqet ne sec - 0:32 .

Arabët duke djegur flamurin e Serbisë në Palestinë (Video)

Video me poshte: 

Nicki Minaj Hot Photos

Monday, August 19, 2013

Upss… i bie fustani të pasmet në shesh!


Këngëtarja Toni Braxton nuk i ka shpëhtuar listës së këngëtareve që me ose pa dashje ekspozojnë pjesët intime para fansave në kocertet e tyre.
Për kënaqësinë e meshkujve prezentë ne koncertin e Neë Brunwick (New Jersey), Toni Braxton ka nxjerre pothuajse gjithë vithet jashtë. Fustani plot xixa ka rrëshqitur ne momentin më të papërshtatshëm duke treguar gjithçka.
Megjithatë 45 vjeçarja nuk ka ndalur spektaklin derisa dikush ka ardhur të rregullojë “problemin”.

Themeluesit të “Facebook” i vidhet adresa

Siguria e adresave në email dhe profilet tona në rrjetet shoqërore nuk është asnjëherë e sigurt, siç dëshmon edhe fakti që vetë themeluesi i “Facebook”, Mark Zuckerberg, ra pre e një “hacker”-i më parë gjatë javës.
Gjeniu 29-vjeçar i informatikës u shënjestrua nga një virus, i cili bëri që ai të humbte kontrollin e një pjese të profilit të tij më parë gjatë javës.
Nëpërmjet virusit, mund të postohej në murin e “Facebook” të Zuckerberg dhe të gjithë përdoruesve të shënjestruar, edhe pse pa autorizimin e tyre.
Një reklamë aspak e mirë për rrjetin shoqëror më popullor të botës, jo vetëm depërtimi i këtij virusi, por edhe reagimi me disa ditë vonesë i vetë rrjetit.

Jenniferit i zhvishen bikinet !

Jennifer Nicole Lee, një nga modelet dhe trajneret e njohura për këshillat në palestër dhe dietat për femrat, ka treguar gjatë pushimeve se megjithë 38 vitet e saj është ende në formë. Ajo ka preferuar të mos largohet nga SHBA për pushime dhe ka zgjedhur një pishinë në Long Island për të shijuar fundjavën. Paparacët kanë arritur të kapin disa momente, kur 38-vjeçarja e cila njihet për stërvitjen me orë të zgjatura që zhvillon, ka treguar trupin e saj veshur me një bikini mjaft provokues. Veç këshillave për fizikun, 38-vjeçarja pritet që këtë sezon të angazhohet dhe në filma dhe në botën e modës.

Nicki Minaj Sexy Photos on Instagram

Nicki Minaj Sexy Photos on Instagram:

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gjenden 40 pitonë në një dhomë hoteli!

Policia kanadeze ka gjetur 40 pitonë në një dhomë hoteli në Brantford të Ontarios.
Gjarpinjtë me gjatësi nga 30 centimetra deri në një metër e gjysmë ishin të një çifti, ndërsa janë mbajtur në kuti plastike.
Pronarët e gjarpinjve ishin përzënë nga banesa e tyre, pikërisht për shkak të reptilëve.
Mbajtja e pitonëve është vepër ilegale në Kanada, prandaj është hapur një hetim rreth këtij rasti.

Nora Istrefi dridh te pasmet e saj.!

EISA: Huawei Ascend P6 është telefoni më i mirë në botë

Kompania e famshme kineze Huawei ka njoftuar se “Shoqata Evropiane për Fotografi dhe Zë” e ka shpallur modelin e ri të telefonit të saj të mençur, Huawei Ascend P6 si telefonin mobil më të mirë në botë, për kategorinë "Consumer Smartphone". 

Arsyet kryesore të cilat e kanë shtyrë shoqatën t’ia ndajë këtë çmim prestigjioz kompanisë Huawei, përkatësisht modelit të saj të telefonit të mençur, Ascend P6 kanë qenë hollësia e pajisjes dhe dizajni i bukur.
Ascend P6 është vetëm 6.18 mm “i trashë” dhe peshon 120 gramë. Pjesa e përparme e telefonit është pothuajse tërësisht prej qelqi, ndërsa madhësia e ekranit është 4.7 inç, me 1.280x720 piksel.
Ascend mbështetet në Android 4.2 dhe procesorin quad core me 1.5 GHz dhe 2 GB RAM. Kamera e pasme e Ascend P6 është me 8 mega-piksel dhe incizon video në Full HD, ndërsa kamera e përpame ka 5 mega-piksel e cila bën atë ideale për auto-portrete.
Sipas gjyqtarëve të EISA, Huawei Ascend P6 është çuditërisht telefoni më i pajisur, i cili vjen në treg me një çmim shumë tërheqës.
Çmimet EISA jepen si mirënjohje për produktet që përbajnë një përzierje të teknologjisë inovative, dizajnit elegant dhe karakteristika të dëshirueshme për përdoruesit. Juria e Shoqatës EISA përbëhet nga 50 redaktorët e revistave të pajisjeve elektronike të konsumit, të cilët vijnë nga 19 vende të ndryshme evropiane. /

Viber i shkakton miliona euro humbje PTK-së !

Është ndërmarrja më fitimprurëse në vend. Por tani, Postë-Telekomit të Kosovës nuk po i shkon asgjë mirë, si në aspektin e privatizimit ashtu edhe në realizimin e planit biznesor. PTK-së tashmë i ka dalë një problem i ri që po i kushton me humbje të fitimeve.
Aplikacionet e ndryshme në ‘telefonat e mençur’ siç është Viber, kanë ndikuar në mosrealizimin e të hyrave sipas planit në këtë ndërmarrje. Viber është program i njohur për përdoruesit e ‘telefonave të mençur’, përmes të cilit mund të realizohen thirrjet falas.
Ekspert të ekonomisë thonë se kjo është si pasojë e ndaljes së investimeve në këtë ndërmarrje përderisa ishte në procesin e privatizimit.
Burime të gazetës kanë bërë të ditur se ky aplikacion është një nga arsyet që ka ndikuar që operatori Vala të ngecë në realizimin e të hyrave për rreth 12 milionë euro.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

E rrëmbejnë dhëndrin, ia kërkojnë 100 mijë euro!

Me dhunë dhe nën kërcënimin e armës, dy meshkuj dhe një femër, e kanë rrëmbyer një person tjetër duke e futur në një veturë civile në rrugën “Fehmi Agani” në Prishtinë.
Të njëjtin sipas policisë, ata e kanë dërguar në një male te fshatit Keqekollë ku e kanë rrahur dhe më pas i kanë grabitur të holla në vlerë prej 4.470 €.
Deri te incidenti dyshohet se ka ardhur pasi qe viktima është ne lidhje dashurie me vajzën e të dyshuarve dhe te njëjtit nga viktima kërkojnë 90.000 €.  
Sipas raportit të policisë, i dyshuari mashkull është arrestuar dhe pas intervistimit me vendim të prokurorit dërgohet në mbajtje.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ikea warns of 'laceration hazard' on children's beds

The furniture chain Ikea is recalling thousands of children's beds, because of a design fault.

It follows seven reported cases of a metal rod breaking and exposing sharp edges.
The company warns that the rods could present a laceration hazard, although so far, there have been no reports of any injuries.
The beds involved are called Kritter and Sniglar, although only certain batches are affected.
Customers in 17 countries, including the UK, are being asked to check the date stamp on the headboards or the underside of the beds.
The Kritter junior beds affected have the numbers 1114 to 1322.
The Sniglar junior beds have the numbers 1114 to 1318.
sniglar bedThe Sniglar junior bed, showing the faulty metal rod
Customers with the affected products are being offered a repair kit or a refund.
They should contact their local stores.
Ikea said 10,000 such beds had been sold in Sweden, but could not say how many had been sold elsewhere.
The countries affected are: Belgium, Britain, China, Czech Republic, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey.

Marianne Faithfull breaks back, cancels shows

Marianne Faithfull has been forced to cancel several concerts in the US and Lebanon after an accident in which she broke a bone in her back.

The 66-year-old singer spent four weeks in hospital after fracturing her sacrum while on holiday.
The accident happened in July but only came to light after she announced she could no longer perform.
Faithfull, known for hits such as As Tears Go By, said she was "sad" to have to cancel the shows.
In a letter to fans in Beirut, she said: "I broke my back in July and hoped and prayed I would be better enough to be able to do the performance on 17 August, although it's not very long, but my recovery was going well. Alas.
"I have never been to the Lebanon though I know it through books. It looks like one of the most beautiful places in the world."
Edith Piaf tribute
Faithfull - who had starring roles in films including Girl On A Motorcycle as well as several stage shows was injured while on holiday in the US.
She has since returned to her home in Paris to continue her recovery.
In addition to solo shows in New York and Chicago in September, Faithfull has also cancelled an appearance at a tribute concert to Edith Piaf in New York.
Her next album will also be delayed as a result of the accident.
Faithfull, who had drug problems in the late 1960s and during the 1970s, has received treatment for a number of health problems.
She was treated for exhaustion in 2004 and for breast cancer two years later. She also has hepatitis C.

China 'dog-lion': Henan zoo mastiff poses as Africa cat

The sign reads "feizhou shi" (African lion) but a Tibetan mastiff is in the cage

Related Stories

An animal described as an African lion at a Chinese zoo was exposed as a fraud - when the creature started barking in front of visitors.
Chinese media reports said the zoo had replaced its genuine lion with a Tibetan mastiff dog.
A zoo official in Henan province said the dog - owned by one of the workers - was put in the cage when the real lion was sent away to a breeding centre.
Outraged visitors to the zoo in Louhe city said they had been cheated.
A Tibetan mastiff is displayed at a Tibetan Mastiff exposition on 27 February, 2005 in Longfang, southeast of Beijing, China.A Tibetan mastiff is a particularly hairy breed
According to a report in the Beijing Youth Daily, the fraud came to light when a mother visited the zoo, in a park in the city of Louhe, to show her son the sounds different animals made.
But when they got to the cage marked "African lion" - which had a sign describing the range and characteristics of the animal - they were shocked to hear the creature bark.
It was then that zoo keepers revealed the so-called lion was actually a Tibetan mastiff, an animal that can have a furry brown coat, making it look a little like a lion.
The woman visitor, surnamed Liu, was quoted as saying: "The zoo is absolutely trying to cheat us. They are trying to disguise dogs as lions."
The chief of the park's animal department, Liu Suya, was quoted by the Beijing Youth Daily as saying the lion had been taken to a breeding facility and the Tibetan mastiff temporarily placed in its cage because of safety concerns.
Other species were also apparently mislabelled; there was a white fox in a leopard's den and another dog being passed off as a wolf.
A photo taken on 25 March, 2013 shows a male lion at a zoological park the eastern French city of Amneville.The furry coat of the large predatory male African feline is usually unmistakeable

Dave Lee Travis, ex-Radio 1 DJ, faces indecent assault charges

Dave Lee Travis: "I'm very much looking forward to clearing my name on this"
Former BBC Radio 1 presenter Dave Lee Travis has been charged with 12 historical sexual offences, police say.
The 68-year-old faces 11 counts of indecent assault and one of sexual assault, and will appear before Westminster magistrates on 23 August.
Mr Travis, of Mentmore, Bucks, said he was "disappointed and surprised" to be charged and denied the allegations.
The allegations date from 1977 to 2007 and relate to nine female complainants aged between 15 and 29 at the time.
Mr Travis, a Radio 1 DJ between 1968 and 1993, was questioned by police as part of Operation Yewtree, an investigation into historical claims of sexual offences linked to the entertainment industry.
He was first arrested in November 2012 and released on bail. He was rearrested in March and questioned about further allegations.
His solicitor Martin Bale said the former DJ had answered bail at a police station in London on Thursday and had been informed that he was being charged.
Speaking to reporters as he arrived back at his home, Mr Travis said: "To say the least I am very disappointed that the police and the CPS have decided to bring charges.
"These allegations are not true. I am very much looking forward to actually clearing my name on this."
Real name
In a statement, the Crown Prosecution Service said it had authorised police to charge Mr Travis.
It said he had been charged under his real name of David Patrick Griffin.
Alison Saunders, chief crown prosecutor for CPS London, said: "We have carefully considered the evidence gathered by the Metropolitan Police Service as part of Operation Yewtree.
"Having completed our review, we have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest for Mr Griffin to be charged."
She said prosecutors had decided that no further action should be taken in relation to seven separate allegations.
Operation Yewtree was launched in the wake of sexual offence allegations against ex-TV presenter and Radio 1 DJ Jimmy Savile.
The operation has three strands. One is looking specifically at the actions of Savile and the second strand concerns allegations of sexual offences against "Savile and others".
Mr Travis's arrest falls within a third strand, relating to allegations against other people unconnected to the Savile investigation.
As well as his Radio 1 spell, Mr Travis presented editions of Top of the Pops on BBC TV in the 1970s and 1980s, and had a radio show on the BBC World Service.

Facebook use 'makes people feel worse about themselves'

Using Facebook can reduce young adults' sense of well-being and satisfaction with life, a study has found.

Checking Facebook made people feel worse about both issues, and the more they browsed, the worse they felt, the University of Michigan research said.
The study, which tracked participants for two weeks, adds to a growing body of research saying Facebook can have negative psychological consequences.
Facebook has more than a billion members and half log in daily.
"On the surface, Facebook provides an invaluable resource for fulfilling the basic human need for social connection. Rather than enhancing well-being, however, these findings suggest that Facebook may undermine it," said the researchers.
Internet psychologist Graham Jones of the British Psychological Society - who was not involved with the study - said: "It confirms what some other studies have found - there is a growing depth of research that suggests Facebook has negative consequences."
But he added there was plenty of research showing Facebook had positive effects on its users.
Loneliness link
In the survey, participants answered questions about how they felt, how worried they were, how lonely they felt at that moment, and how much they had used Facebook since the last survey.
They received five text messages each day at random times between 10:00 and midnight, containing links to the surveys.
Researchers also wanted to know about how much direct interaction participants had with people - either face-to-face or by phone - between questionnaires.
Results showed that the more people used Facebook, the worse they felt afterwards. But it did not show whether people used Facebook more or less depending on how they felt, researchers said.
The team also found that the more the participants used the site, the more their life satisfaction levels declined.
The pattern appeared to contrast with interacting "directly" with people, which seemed to have no effect on well-being.
But researchers did find people spent more time on Facebook when they were feeling lonely - and not simply because they were alone at that precise moment.
"Would engaging in any solitary activity similarly predict declines in well-being? We suspect that they would not because people often derive pleasure from engaging in some solitary activities (e.g., exercising, reading)," the report said.
"Supporting this view, a number of recent studies indicate that people's perceptions of social isolation (i.e. how lonely they feel) are a more powerful determinant of well-being than objective social isolation."
Colloquially, this theory is known as FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out - a side effect of seeing friends and family sitting on beaches or having fun at parties while you are on a computer.
Learning the rules
According to the study, almost all the participants said they used Facebook to stay in touch with friends, but only 23% said they used the social networking site to meet new people.
More than three-quarters said they shared good things with their communities on the site, while 36% said they would share bad things on Facebook as well.
Mr Jones warned that the study's findings were probably most relevant to people who spent too much time on Facebook, and the study did not offer a full comparison with "direct" social contact.
He also said that since Facebook was such a recent phenomenon, society was still learning to use the platform.
"As a society as a whole we haven't really learnt the rules that make us work well with Facebook," he said, adding some people became unable to control their experience with it.
The researchers said their study was the first to examine the effect Facebook has on its users' well-being over time.

Olinguito: 'Overlooked' mammal carnivore is major discovery

Scientists in the US have discovered a new animal living in the cloud forests of Colombia and Ecuador.
It has been named olinguito and is the first new species of carnivore to be identified in the Western hemisphere in 35 years.
It has taken more than a decade to identify the mammal, a discovery that scientists say is incredibly rare in the 21st Century.
The credit goes to a team from the Smithsonian Institution.
The trail began when zoologist Kristofer Helgen uncovered some bones and animal skins in storage at a museum in Chicago.
"It stopped me in my tracks," he told BBC News. "The skins were a rich red colour and when I looked at the skulls I didn't recognise the anatomy. It was different to any similar animal I'd seen, and right away I thought it could be a species new to science."
Meet the olinguito and the man who discovered the new mammal species
Dr Helgen is curator of mammals at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, which houses the largest mammal collection in the world.
More than 600,000 specimens are flat-packed in trays to save space, their bones picked clean by specially bred beetles and stored in boxes alongside their skins.

The olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina)

  • Smallest member of the animal family that includes racoons
  • Measures 14 inches in length (35cm), has a tail of 13-17 inches and weighs 2lb (900g)
  • Males and females of the Bassaricyon neblina species are similar in size
  • Eats fruit mainly, but also consumes insects and nectar
  • Solitary and nocturnal animals that spend their time in trees
  • Female olinguitos raise a single baby at a time
  • Found only in cloud forests of northern Andes in Ecuador and Colombia, at high elevations
Source: Smithsonian Institution
Many were collected more than a century ago and were often mislabelled or not properly identified. But recent advances in technology have enabled scientists to extract DNA from even the oldest remains.
The 35cm-long (14in) olinguito is the latest addition to the animal family that includes racoons. By comparing DNA samples with the other five known species, Dr Helgen was able to confirm his discovery.
"It's hard for me to explain how excited I am," he says.
"The olinguito is a carnivore - that group of mammals that includes cats, dogs and bears and their relatives. Many of us believed that list was complete, but this is a new carnivore - the first to be found on the American continent for more than three decades."
Dr Helgen has used such mammal collections to identify many other new species, including the world's biggest bat and the world's smallest bandicoot. But he says the olinguito is his most significant discovery. Its scientific name is Bassaricyon neblina. The last carnivore to be identified in the Americas was the Colombian Weasel.
But even after identifying the olinguito, a crucial question remained: could they be living in the wild?
"We used clues from the specimens about where they might have come from and to predict what kind of forest we might find them in - and we found it!"
The olinguito is now known to inhabit a number of protected areas from Central Colombia to western Ecuador. Although it is a carnivore, it eats mainly fruit, comes out at night and lives by itself, producing just one baby at a time.
And scientists now believe an olinguito was exhibited in several zoos in the US between 1967 and 1976. Its keepers mistook it for an olinga - a close relative - and could not understand why it would not breed. It was sent to a number of different zoos but died without being properly identified.
OlinguitoWashington's National Zoo had an olinguito in the 1960s but never identified it as a separate species
"The vast majority of the discoveries of new species are made in museum collections," says Chris Norris, of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History in Connecticut and president of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections.
"Often people working 70 years ago or more had different ideas of what constituted a new species - maybe they didn't recognise things that we would as being distinct, or they might not have had access to technologies, such as being able to extract and sequence DNA."
But there is no central museum database and scientists have little idea of what each collection contains. Many organisations are now putting their inventories online, and Dr Norris says that will make research faster and more accessible.
Another challenge is keeping specimens in good condition. Many are hundreds of years old and are prone to moth and insect infestations.
The oldest surviving collection was assembled in the 17th Century by John Tradescant. Its most famous specimen is a dodo that is now on display at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History in the UK.

Three other new species in 2013

"But not all of it," says Dr Norris. "There's just the head and a foot left because everything else got eaten.
"It's a cautionary tale for anyone working on museum collections today. You get to do exciting science but you have to take care of them or they won't be there for people to use in the future.
"Our economy is in the middle of a rough period and spending on museums sometimes seems difficult to justify when you look for example at some of the more shiny or spectacular scientific tools that are out there. But it's important to think of these things, not as rather bizarre collections of dried skins and pickled bats in jars and drawers full of snails, but as a research tool in the same way that you might think of a new telescope or a Large Hadron Collider."
Scientists have catalogued only a fraction of the planet's lifeforms. New species of insects, parasitic worms, bacteria and viruses are discovered on a regular basis, but new mammals are rare.
"This reminds us that the world is not yet explored and the age of discovery is far from over," says Dr Helgen. "The olinguito makes us think - what else is out there?"